If you are making inquiry because you wish to sell Garlic Barrier, please know that our minimum beginning purchase for Distributors is 10 cases of product. Retailers, however are only required to purchase at least one case of product. To become a retailer you must have a legitimate store front building. Selling out of your home or garage does not qualify you to become a distributor. Please note that we are not adding any web-based sellers at this time. Distributors must stock product, have means of delivery and carry similar products (not multi-level or vitamin type products). Garden Service Companies and Lawn Care Companies qualify for wholesale prices and are considered retailers. Please do not apply unless you meet the above qualifications.

If you want to order a quart or gallon of Garlic Barrier do not do that here, order from our on-line retailer listed below. Go to the bottom of this page and click on the I Must Garden logo. As a Manufacturer we can only sell to retailers, distributors and farm operators.


Company name:

State: Zip:

Telephone number:
Fax number:


Website address (if any):

If you're a farmer, please list your major crops:

Crop 1: Acres:
Crop 2: Acres:
Crop 3: Acres:

Is your farm certified organic? (Yes/No)

How did you hear about us?

Write your message below:

Garlic Research Labs, Inc. can only sell to FARMERS, RETAIL STORES and DISTRIBUTORS and not to consumers. If you are a consumer wanting only a quart or single gallon, please purchase from our on-line retailer by clicking on the I Must Garden logo below.
I Must Garden logo

We accept all major credit cards. If you are a retail outlet or bona fide farm distributor we can set up a 30-day commercial account. If you are a farmer, we ask that you pay by credit card, please.

Bear in mind that we are in California and we are 3 hours behind East Coast time and for that reason may not be able to answer you until afternoon. Our hours are 8:00am - 4:30pm PST Monday through Friday. Please do not forget to leave your area code when leaving your phone number

If you wish to fax your order our fax number is: 818-247-9828

Links and articles you may be interested in.


Site and contents ©2025 Garlic Research Labs, Inc.
624 Ruberta Rd., Glendale, CA 91201-2335
Fax 818-247-9828 / Email: